Jan 012013


In the last year I have come to learn much about the inner workings of event dome suppliers, and it is a messy, disorganized  business where the cost of the mistakes is passed on to the client and many with good intentions are stuck in the middle. Imagine a bad soap opera but with geodesic domes. Here is the short list, believe or not:

  • Suppliers trying to expand outside their natural market with disappointing results
  • Overseas effort to flood the market with Asian event domes, passing them off as locally built
  • Suppliers trying to expand their product line without decent knowledge of what they sell
  • An event dome employee arrested abroad on alleged drug charges while on a job
  • Accountant embezzling funds
  • Direct personal attacks by professionals to discredit their competition
  • Competitor knocking up a friend of the competition’s owner (a warped Romeo and Juliet variation)
  • Near or soon to happen bankruptcy of a major event dome manufacturer
  • Stolen copyright material and client lists to start a competing outfit less than a mile away
  • Blatant lack of quality control, clients getting old event domes when promised new ones


Despite this summary list of ridiculous situations (and they really did happen, by the way), clients continue to purchase domes without doing the basic legwork, then suffering the consequences, though one event dome supplier derives a large portion of its business from dissatisfied customers emanating from the competition’s incompetence. The irony here is that the one getting the bonus business is alleged to be using stolen engineering plans from their competition …


If it looks like a dinosaur, walks like a dinosaur….


Domes and extinct dinosaurs: Best Friends Forever?

Those currently in the event dome business, and we can also include many geodesic home builders, do not want to change at all, bend to different ideas or accept innovations. They are set in their ways and do the business a disservice. They live in the past and don’t want to pass the torch to the next generation.

For the event dome client, the onus is on you to do your homework because the typical approach of many event dome vendors is similar to the one used by car salesmen. Geodesic event domes are expensive, more than a traditional tent because they have advantages other event structures do not possess. But this is no reason to pay unjustified expenses.

Click on the image below for our Geodesic Event Domes Checklist. If you see something we can add, contact us



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