

Discussion groups


DomeTimes forum brings geodesic and monolithic dome home stakeholders together to support informed decisions.  Current dome homeowners and dome investigators share their experience and observations in a way that benefits the entire dome home community.


Dome projection and planetarium discussion groups


A private group for members of the planetarium, computer graphics, and visualization communities interested in fulldome video technology. Discussion topics will be limited to aspects of the domed-theater medium directly related to fulldome imaging, aesthetics, and technology.

A friendly group for folks interested in building and/or operating a planetarium. There are a wide range of possible uses for small planetariums ranging from traditional astronomy education, to some of the new opportunities in wider science education, visualisation, art, and entertainment offered by fulldome digital projection.



Dome calculators

Monolithic dome calculator: advanced calculators for spherical and oblate domes. , a russian language caklculator, with a new version also available in other languages. It has the ability to calculate struts for odd frequency domes to give them a flat base.



Burning Man-related information

Burning Man official site


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